1. Sebelum Masehi bahasa inggrisnya adalah B.C (Before Christ). Setelah Masehi adalah A.D (Anno Domini)
2. Ikan hiu kehilangan gigi lebih dari 6000 buah setiap tahun, dan gigi barunya tumbuh dalam waktu 24 jam
3. Julius Caesar tewas dengan 23 tikaman
4. Nama mobil Nissan berasal dari bahasa jepang Ni : 2 dan San : 3. Nissan : 23
5. Jerapah dan tikus bisa bertahan hidup lebih lama tanpa air dari pada unta
6. Perut memproduksi lapisan lendir setiap dua minggu agar perut tidak mencerna organnya sendiri.
7. 98% dari perkosaan dan pembunuhan dilakukan oleh keluarga dekat atau teman korban.
8. Semut dapat mengangkat beban 50 kali tubuhnya
9. Deklarasi Kemerdekaan Amerika ditulis diatas kertas marijuana
10. Titik diatas huruf i disebut ‘title’
11. Sebutir kismis yang dijatuhkan kedalam gelas berisi sampanye segar akan bergerak naik turun dalam gelas
12. Benjamin Franklin anak bungsu dari orangtua bungsu keturunan ke 5 dalam keluarga bungsu.
13. Triskaidekaphobia adalah ketakutan pada 13. Paraskevidekatriaph
obia adalah ketekukan pada hari jumat tanggal 13 (bisa terjadi antara
1-3 kali setahun). di Italia, 17 adalah angka sial. di Jepang angka
sial adalah 4
14. Lidah jerapah panjangnya sekitar 50 cm
15. Mulut menghasilkan 1 liter ludah setiap hari
16. Kita bernafas kira-kira 23.000 kali setiap hari
17. Kata ZIP (kode pos) adalah kepanjangan dari ‘Zoning Improvement Plan’.
18. Coca-Cola mengandung Coca (yang merupakan zat aktif pada kokain) dari tahun 1885 sampai 1903.
19. Rata-rata kita bicara 5000 kata tiap hari (walaupun 80% nya kita bicara pada diri sendiri)
20. Seandainya kuota air dalam tubuh kita berkurang 1%, kita langsung merasa haus
21. 4 simbol raja pada kartu remi melambangkan 4 raja yang etrkenal
di jaman masing-masing: Sekop = David/Raja Daud ; Keriting = Alexander
the Great/Iskandar Agung ; Hati = Charlemagne/ Raja Prancis ; Wajik
=Julius Caesar
22. Seumur hidup kita meminum air sebanyak kurang lebih 75.000 liter
23. Setiap orang, termasuk kembar identik, sidik jari dan tekstur lidahnya tidak ada yang sama.
24. Titik merah pada 7-Up logo berasal dari penemunya yang bermata merah. Dia seorang albino.
25. Pria kehilangan 40 helai rambut tiap hari. wanita 70 helai.
26. Tanda ‘save’ pada Microsoft Office programs menunjukan gambar floppy disk dengan shutter terbalik
27. Albert Einstein dan Charles Darwin,keduanya menikah dengan sepupu pertama mereka (Elsa Löwenthal dan Emma Wedgewood).
28. Unta punya 3 kelopak mata.
29. Sehelai rambut di kepala kita mempunyai masa tumbuh 2 sampai 6 tahun sebelum diganti dengan rambut baru
30. Seseorang masih akan sadar selama 8 detik setelah dipenggal
31. Otot yang bekerja paling cepat ditubuh kita adalah otot
dikelopak mata yang membuat kita berkedip. kita bisa berkedip 5kali
dalam sedetik
32. Coklat dapat membunuh anjing,karena langsung mempengaruhi jantung dan susunan syarafnya
33. Tanpa dicampur ludah di dalam mulut, kita tidak akan merasakan rasa makanan
34. Kuku jari tangan tumbuh 4kali lebih cepat daripada kuku kaki
35. 13% orang di dunia adalah kidal
36. Hampir semua lipstik mengandung sisik ikan
37. Bayi yang baru lahir berat kepalanya 1/4 dari berat tubuhnya
38. Kita sebenarnya melihat dengan otak. mata hanya berupa kamera
yang mengirim data ke otak. 1/4 bagian dari otak digunakan untuk
mengatur kerja mata
39. Kalajengking bisa dibunuh dengan menyiramnya dengan cuka,mereka akan murka dan menyengat dirinya sendiri
40. Tahun 1830an saus tomat biasa dijual sebagai obat.
41. Tiga monyet bijak punya nama: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).
42. India mempunyai Undang-undang hak untuk sapi
43. Jika bersin terlalu keras dapat meretakkan tulang iga. JIka
mencoba menahan bersin, bisa mengalami pecah pembuluh nadi di kepala
dan leher trus mati . jika memaksa mata terbuka saat bersin, bola mata
bisa meloncat keluar.
44. Nama negara Filipina berasal dari nama Raja Phillip
45. Saudi Arabia berasal dari nama Raja Saud
46. Anak-anak mempunyai 20 gigi awal. Orang dewasa punya 32
47. Karena langkanya logam, piala Oscars yang dibagikan pada perang dunia ke II terbuat dari kayu
48. Setiap Siklus 11 tahun, kutub magnet pada matahari bertukar tempat. Siklus ini makan “Solarmax”.
49. Ada 318,979,564,000 kemungkinan kombinasi pembukaan pertama pada catur.
50. Ada lebih dari 300 bakteri pembentuk karang gigi
51. Macan adalah anggota terbesar dalam keluarga kucing
52. Nomer “172″ dapat ditemukan pada uang kertas 5 dollar amerika, pada gambar semak-semak dibawah Lincoln Memorial.
53. Pohon kelapa membunuh 150 orang tiap tahun. Lebih banyak daripada hiu
54. Pada poster film ‘Pretty Woman’ Julia Robets terlalu pendek
untuk bisa sejajar dengan Richard Gere. Maka digunakan model Shelley
Michelle sebagai tubuh Julia.
55. Daerah kutub kehilangan matahari selama 186 hari dalam setahun
56. Kode Telephone Internasional untuk Antartica adalah 672.
57. Bom pertama sekutu dijatuhkan di Berlin pada perang dunia ke II. Membunuh satu-satunya gajah di Kebun Binatang Berlin.
58. Rata-rata hujan jatuh dengan kecepatan 7 mil per jam
59. Butuh 10 tahun bagi Leonardo Da Vinci untuk melukis Mona Lisa.
Lukisan itu tidak ditandai dan di beri tanggal. Leonardo dan Mona
mempunya susunan tulang yang persis sama dan menurut sinar X, ada 3
versi lukisan dibawah lukisan itu.
60. Nama dari kembar gemini adalah Castor dan Pullox
61. Gerakan Bruce Lee sangat cepat sehingga mereka harus melambatkan filem agar kita bisa melihat semua gerakannya.
62. Satu kilo dari berat badan kita mengandung 7000 kalori
63. Darah sama kental dengan air laut
64. Air laut di samudra Atlantik lebih asin dari pada di samudra Pasifik
65. Topeng tokoh Michael Myers di film horor ‘Helloween’ sebenernya
topeng tokoh Captain Kirk (Star Trek) yang di cat putih, karena kurang
66. Nama asli butterfly (kupu-kupu) adalah flutterby.
67. Bayi lahir setiap 7 detik
68. Satu dari 14 wanita Amerika berambut pirang asli. Prianya hanya satu dari 17
69. The Olympic adalah saudara dari kapal Titanic, dan melayani dengan selamat selama 25 tahun.
70. Saat Titanic karam, 2228 orang ada di dalamnya. Hanya 706 yang selamat
71. Di Amerika, seseorang didiagnosa menderita AIDS tiap 10 menit. Di Afrika, seseorang meninggal karena AIDS tipa 10 menit
72. Sampai usia 6 bulan, bayi bisa menelan dan bernapas secara bersamaan. Orang dewasa tidak bisa
73. Alasan kenapa diiklan jam kebanyakan jarum menunjuk pukul 10.10, karena jam seperti sedang tersenyum
74. Tiap tahun bulan menjauh 3.82 cm dari bumi
75. Saat kita bertahan hidup dan tidak ada bahan makanan, sabuk
kulit dan sepatu keds adalah makanan terbaik untuk dimakan karena
mengandung cukup gizi untuk hidup sementara.
76. Dalam satu tetes air mengandung 50 juta bakteri
77. Dengan menaikan kaki pelan2 dan berbaring tenang dengan punggung lurus, kita tidak akan tenggelam di pasir hisap.
78. Satu dari 10 orang hidup di suatu pulau
79. Memakan seledri membuang kalori lebih banyak dari pada kalori yang terkandung dalam seledri itu sendiri
80. Lobster dapat hidup selama 100 tahun
81. Permen karet tidak dijual di Disney Land
82. Mangunyah permen karet saat mengupas bawang mencegah kita menangis
83. Rahang kucing gak bisa bergerak kekiri dan kanan
84. Nama Artic (kutub utara) berarti beruang dalam bahasa Yunani (Arktos), dan memang beruang kutub hanya ada di kutub utara
85. Jika kira berdiri di dasar sumur, kita bisa melihat bintang walaupun di siang hari
86. Suara yang kita dengar dari dalam kerang bukan suara ombak laut, tapi suara aliran darah dalam kepala kita.
87. Orang lbh banyak yang menderita ketakutan pada ruang terbuka
(kenophobia) daripada ketakukan pada ruang tertutup (claustrophobia) .
88. Tehnik mengaduk terbaik bukan dengan gerakan memutar, tapi dengan gerakan huruf W
89. Adegan band yang terus bermain musik saat Titanic tenggelam adalah kisah nyata
90. Buku Guinness Book of Records memegang rekor sebagai buku yang paling banyak dicuri dari perpustakaan
91. 35% dari orang yang ikut kontak jodoh lewat internet, sudah menikah
92. CocaCola dulu berwarna hijau
93. Secara fisik, babi tidak bisa melihat ke langit
94. Semua beruang kutub kidal
95. Kelelawar selalu belok kiri jika terbang keluar gua
96. Jim Henson pertama kali memakai kata “Muppet”. Kombinasi dari “marionette” dan “puppet.”
97. Gajah satu-satunya hewan yang tidak bisa meloncat
98. The Michelin man (figur berbaju dan bertopi putih diiklan
Michelin) bernama Mr. Bib. nama aslinya Bibendum pada iklan pertama
tahun 1896.
99. Kita tidak bisa menjilat siku kita sendiri
100. Kata “lethologica” menggambarkan saat dimana kita tidak bisa mengingat apa yang kita inginkan.
Kamis, 26 April 2012
Rain by design
is indeed one of the most important factors for the permanence of life
on earth. It is a prerequisite for the continuation of activity in a
region. Rain, which carries great importance for all living things,
including human beings, is mentioned in various verses of the Qur'an,
where substantial information is given about the formation of rain, its
proportion and effects. This information, which never could have been
known by the people of the time, shows us that the Qur'an is the word
of God.
Now, let us examine the information given in the Qur'an about rain.
The Proportion of Rain
In the eleventh verse of Surat az-Zukhruf, rain is defined as water sent down in "due measure". The verse is as follows:
He sends down (from time to time) water from the sky in
due measure, and We raise to life therewith a land that is dead. Even
so will you be raised (from the dead). (Surat az-Zukhruf, 11)
This "measure" mentioned in the verse has to do with a couple of
characteristics of rain. First of all, the amount of rain that falls on
the earth is always the same. It is estimated, that in one second, 16
million tones of water evaporate from the earth. This number is equal
to the amount of water that drops on the earth in one second. This
means that water continuously circulates in a balanced cycle according
to a "measure".
Another measure related with rain is about its falling speed. The
minimum altitude of rain clouds is 1,200 meters. When dropped from this
height, an object having the same weight and size as a rain drop, would
continuously accelerate and fall on the ground with a speed of 558
km/h. Certainly, any object that hits the ground with that speed would
cause great damage. If rain happened to fall in the same way, all
harvested lands would be destroyed, residential areas, houses, and cars
would be damaged, and people would not be able to walk around without
taking extra precautions. What is more, these calculations are made
just for clouds at a height of 1,200 meters; there are also rain clouds
at altitudes of 10,000 meters. A rain drop falling from such a height
could normally reach a very destructive speed.
But this is not how it works; no matter from what height they
fall, the average speed of rain drops is only 8-10 km/h when they reach
the ground. The reason for this is the special form they take. This
special form increases the friction effect of the atmosphere and
prevents acceleration when the rain drops reach a certain speed
"limit". (Today parachutes are designed by using this technique.)
This is not all about the "measures" of rain. For instance, in the
atmospheric layers where it starts to rain, the temperature may fall as
low as 400 C below zero. Despite this, rain drops never turn
into ice particles. (This would certainly mean a fatal threat to the
living things on the earth.) The reason is that the water in the
atmosphere is pure water. As is well-known, pure water hardly freezes
even at very low temperatures.
The Formation of Rain
How rain forms remained a great mystery for people for a long
time. Only after weather radar was invented, was it possible to
discover the stages by which rain is formed.
The formation of rain takes place in three stages. First, the "raw
material" of rain rises up into the air. Later clouds are formed.
Finally, rain drops appear.
These stages are clearly defined in the Qur'an centuries ago where precise information is given about the formation of rain:
It is God Who sends the Winds, and they raise the Clouds:
then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into
fragments, until you see rain-drops issue from the midst thereof: then
when He has made them reach such of his servants as He wills, behold,
they do rejoice! (Surat ar-Room, 48)
Now, let us look at the three stages mentioned in the verse;
1ST STAGE: "It is God Who sends the winds..."
Countless air bubbles formed by the foaming in the oceans
continuously burst and cause water particles to be ejected towards the
sky. These particles, which are rich in salt, are then carried away by
winds and move upwards in the atmosphere. These particles, which are
called aerosols, form clouds by collecting around themselves the water
vapor, which again ascends from the seas, as tiny drops by a mechanism
called "water trap"
2ND STAGE: " ...and they raise the Clouds: then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments..."
The clouds form from the water vapor that condenses around the
salt crystals or the dust particles in the air. Because the water drops
in these are very small (with a diameter between 0.01 and 0.02 mm), the
clouds are suspended in the air and they spread in the sky. Thus the
sky is covered with clouds.
3RD STAGE: "...until you see rain-drops issue from the midst thereof."
Water particles that surround salt crystals and dust particles
thicken and form rain drops. So, the drops, which become heavier than
air, depart from the clouds, and start to fall on the ground as rain.
Every stage in the formation of rain is told in the verses of the
Qur'an. Furthermore, these stages are explained in the right sequence.
Just as with many other natural phenomena in the world, it is again the
Qur'an that provides the most correct explanation about this phenomenon
as well, and more, that has announced these facts to people centuries
before they were discovered by science
Life Given to a Dead Land
In the Qur'an, many verses call our attention to a particular function of rain, which is "giving life to a dead land":
We send down pure water from the sky. That with it We may
give life to a dead land, and slake the thirst of many beings We have
created, beasts as well as humans. (Surat al-Furqan, 48- 49)
In addition to furnishing the earth with water, which is an
inevitable need of living beings, rain also has a fertilization effect.
Rain drops that reach the clouds after being evaporated from the
seas, contain certain substances "that will give life" to a dead land.
These "life-giving" drops are called "surface tension drops". Surface
tension drops form on the top level of the sea surface which is called
the "micro layer" by biologists. In this layer, which is thinner than
one tenth of a millimeter, there are many organic leftovers caused by
the pollution of microscopic algae and zooplankton. Some of these
leftovers select and collect within themselves some elements which are
very rare in sea water, such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and
some heavy metals like copper, zinc, cobalt and lead. These
"fertilizer"-laden drops are lifted up into the sky by the winds and
after a while they drop on the ground inside the rain drops. Seeds and
plants on the earth find numerous metallic salts and elements essential
for their growth here in these rain drops. This event is revealed in
another verse of the Qur'an:
And We send down from the sky rain laden with blessing, and We produce therewith gardens and grain for harvests. (Surah Qaf, 9)
Salts that fall with rain are small examples of certain elements
(calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.) used for increasing fertility.
The heavy metals found in these types of aerosols are other elements
that increase fertility in the development and production of plants.
A barren land can be furnished with all the essential elements for
plants in a 100-year period just with these fertilizers dropped with
the rain.
Forests also develop and are fed with the help of these sea-based
aerosols. In this way, 150 million tons of fertilizer falls on the
total land surface every year. If there were no natural fertilization
like this, there would be very little vegetation on the earth, and the
ecological balance would be impaired.
What is more interesting is that this truth, which could only be
discovered by modern science, was revealed by God in the Qur'an
centuries ago.
The design in water
of our planet is covered with water. Oceans and seas make up three
fourths of the earth's surface while the land itself contains countless
numbers of rivers and lakes. The snow and ice on the summits of lofty
mountains is water in its frozen form. A substantial part of the
earth's water is in the sky: every cloud contains thousands--sometimes
millions-of tons of water in the form of vapor. From time to time, some
of this water vapor turns into drops of liquid and falls to the ground:
in other words, it rains. Even the air you're breathing now contains a
certain amount of water vapor.
short, no matter where you may look on the surface of the earth, you're
certain to see water around somewhere. Indeed, the place you're sitting
in at this moment probably contains about forty to fifty liters of
water in it. Look around. You can't see it? Look again, more carefully,
this time raising your eyes from these words and look at your hands,
arms, legs, and body. That 40-50 liter mass of water is you!
It's you because about 70% of the human body is water. Your body's cells contain many things but nothing so much or so important as water.
The biggest part of the blood that circulates everywhere in your body
is of course water. This is true not just of yourself or of other
people however: the bulk of the bodies of all living things is water.
Without water it seems, life is impossible.
Water is a substance that was specially designed so as to be the basis of life. Each and every one of its physical and chemical properties was specially created for life.
liquids freeze from the bottom up; water freezes from the top down.
This is one of the most unusual properties of water and it is crucial
for the existence of water on the surface of the earth. Were it not for
this property, that is, if ice didn't float, much of our planet's water
would be locked up in ice and life would be impossible in its seas,
lakes, ponds, and rivers.
examine this in detail to see why. There are many places in the world
where the temperature falls below 0°C in winter, often considerably
below that. Such cold will of course affect the water in seas, lakes,
etc. These bodies of water grow colder and colder and parts of them
begin to freeze. If ice didn't behave the way it does (if it didn't
float in other words) this ice would sink to the bottom while the
warmer bits of water would rise to the surface and be exposed to the
air. But the temperature of that air is still below freezing so these
will freeze too and sink to the bottom. This process would continue
until there was no liquid water left at all. But this isn't what
happens. What happens instead is this: As it gets colder, water grows
heavier until it reaches 4°C at which point everything suddenly
changes. After this, the water begins to expand and it becomes lighter
as the temperature drops. As a result, the 4°C water remains on the
bottom, the 3°C water above it, the 2°C water above that and so on.
Only at the surface does the temperature of the water actually reach
0°C and there it freezes. But only the surface has frozen: the
4°C layer of water beneath the ice remains liquid and that is enough
for underwater creatures and plants to continue to live.
should note here that another property of water-the low thermal
conductivity of ice and snow-is also crucial in this process. Because
they are such poor conductors of heat, the layers of ice and snow keep
the heat in the water below from escaping into the atmosphere. As a
result of all this, even if the air temperature falls to -50°C, the
layer of sea ice will never be more than a meter or two thick and there
will be many fractures in it. Creatures such as seals and penguins that
dwell in polar regions can take advantage of this to reach the water
beneath the ice.
let us recall what would happen if water didn't behave this way and
acted "normally" instead. Suppose water continued to become denser the
lower its temperature became like all other liquids and ice sank to the
bottom. What then?
in that case, the freezing process in the oceans and seas would start
from the bottom and continue all the way to the top because there would
be no layer of ice on the surface to prevent the remaining heat from
escaping. In other words, most of earth's lakes, seas, and oceans would
become solid ice with a layer of water perhaps a few meters deep on top
of it. Even when the air temperature increased, the ice at the bottom
would never melt completely. In the seas of such a world, no life could
exist and in an ecological system with dead seas, life on land would
also be impossible. In other words, if water didn't "misbehave" and
acted normally, our planet would be a dead world.
Why doesn't water act normally? Why does it suddenly begin to expand at 4°C after having contracted the way it should?
That is a question that nobody has ever been able to answer.
Water is "just right" for life to a degree that cannot be compared with any other liquid.
The larger part of this planet, a world whose other attributes
(temperature, light, electromagnetic spectrum, atmosphere, surface,
etc) are all suitable for life, has been filled with just the right
amount of water necessary for life. It should be obvious that this
cannot all be accidental and that there must instead be intentional
To put it another way, all the physical and chemical properties of water show us that it is created especially for life. The
earth, purposefully created for mankind to live in, was brought to life
with this water that was specially created to form the basis of human
life. In water, God has given us life and with it He causes the food by which we are nourished to spring from the soil.
the most important aspect of all this is that this truth, which has
been discovered by modern science, was revealed in the Qur'an, bestowed
upon humanity as a guide fourteen centuries ago. Concerning water and
mankind, God's word is revealed in the Qur'an thus:
is He who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and from it
come the shrubs among which you graze your herds. And by it He makes
crops grow for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every
kind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. (Surat
an-Nahl: 10-11)
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